El Matador Beach. Malibu, CA
El Matador Beach. Malibu, CA
Ventura Pier
I ran down to Ventura after work to photograph the Ventura Pier before sunset. The light was very nice this evening and I took the opportunity to continue practicing shooting long exposures using my Lee Filter Big Stopper 10-stop ND filter.
I thought this one looked best in black and white (processed with Google/Nik Software’s Silver Efex Pro 2) but I have another version that is color that I’ll post soon.
A long exposure photo looking down on El Matador beach in Malibu.
It’s kinda of funny. I spent a good hour walking around down on the beach trying to get long exposure photos of the water washing around the big rocks that make up El Matador Beach in Malibu, but this shot is one of my favorites from the day.
On my walk down the big stairway to the beach, I thought there might be something to this view, but I kept on walking down to the beach. On the way back to my car though, I stopped and took another look and decided that this might be the view I was really after.
So I unpacked my gear and set up for this shot. I’m glad I did.
A view of La Piedra beach in Malibu.
Rocks near El Matador State Park in Malibu.
Here are some additional photos that I took on the 4th of July parade here in Santa Barbara.
Miss Devyn and her flag.
My two gals.
Standing near the Porsche contingent.
This dog was just hanging out on the front of a jeep. It was hilarious.
Can’t believe the dog just sat there.
Devyn was thrilled to actually be in the parade.
One last one of Devyn.
We’re very proud of our kids!