Multnomah Falls


I started looking back at some of my older photos and found this one of Multnomah Falls. I took this back in 2011 on an early May morning with my friends Vincent Versace and Brian Matiash.

We had to get to the falls pretty early (around 6:30am – which I guess isn’t that early) to shoot the iconic bridge without any other tourists lingering. Usually, that leads to taking a lot of shots and then quite a bit of masking in Photoshop to remove them all. Instead, we opted to show up early before anyone else was there.

Wishing that there were more opportunities down here in Santa Barbara to photograph water, but given our stage 2 drought, I’m left looking back at photos like this.

Tenaya Lake in Yosemite National Park

27 second long exposure of Tenaya Lake in Yosemite National Park

27 second long exposure of Tenaya Lake in Yosemite National Park

Oh, how I love long exposure photography. This one was 27 seconds long and I used my trusty iOS app, Slower Shutter that I developed to help me figure out just how long of an exposure I needed. I still ended up tweaking the exposure a little in Lightroom, but the app cuts down the amount of trial and error significantly.

Half Dome Profile

Yosemite's Half Dome from Washburn Point

Half Dome from Washburn Point

They should have sent a poet.

We just got back from our first trip to Yosemite. In all sincerity, it is hard to describe just how amazing it is there. The scale of it all is unbelievable. You really have to see it for yourself.

This is perhaps my favorite photo from our trip. There are more coming, but for now, I wanted to share this one of Half Dome. It was taken from Washburn Point.

We were intending to go to Glacier Point, and we ultimately did, but when we came around the corner and saw this view, we immediately pulled in and jumped out.

I’ll never forget this trip. If you’re heading to Yosemite, here’s a Google map for where this was taken.

Finding Portland

Finding Portland from Uncage the Soul Productions on Vimeo.

Man, oh man. This really makes me miss Portland.

Labor Day Boogie Boarding

Devyn with her charcoal covered hands @ Haskell's Beach.

Devyn with her charcoal covered hands @ Haskell’s Beach.

It has been hot here in Santa Barbara for the past couple of weeks. I know, I know. I’ve been rubbing it in how nice it is down here for months, but when it’s always 73, you get used to it. Anything hotter, like 85-90 and it suddenly feels like it’s the end of the world.

Well, it wasn’t obviously. But it was hot enough that it was a great excuse to go find a different beach. Typically, we head south about 20 miles to Padaro Beach, my personal favorite in the area. But this weekend, some friends encouraged us to drive north about 5 miles to Haskell’s Beach. It was so nice there, we went two days in a row over the Labor Day weekend.

If you get there early, it’s great. There is very limited parking which totally regulates how crowded the beach will get, so as long as you get there early, you’re in for a relaxing day with nobody crowding you out.

As you can see from the picture above, Miss Devyn (and one of her friends) found a big rock that had been in a camp fire. As such, it was coated in soot and the girls decided it would be fun to get it all over their hands. A quick dip in the ocean and it was all gone.

Nathan wasting no time in getting back out into the surf.

Nathan wasting no time in getting back out into the surf.

Nathan has really taken to boogie boarding. Once he goes in, you can’t get him out. Here he is above running back out for the next set of waves. Here are two more photos of Nathan on his boogie board.

All those swimming lessons are paying off. Nathan is using a double stroke to get on top of a wave. He's a very strong swimmer these days.

All those swimming lessons are paying off. Nathan is using a double stroke to get on top of a wave. He’s a very strong swimmer these days.

Nathan is very happy in the water as you can see.

Nathan is very happy in the water as you can see.

Haskell's Beach in Goleta, CA

Haskell’s Beach in Goleta, CA

In the photo above, that’s Devyn in the right corner and Nathan standing right in the middle of the small wave. Such a nice beach. We’re totally getting spoiled.


black butte ranch

Clouds over the Three Sisters mountains.

Clouds over the Three Sisters mountains.