Going back to June 2012, I took this photo at the top of Multnomah Falls.
This was a 30 second exposure at f/4 and ISO 100. I used the Lee Filter Big Stopper ND Filter (10 stops!) to get the exposure correct.
Going back to June 2012, I took this photo at the top of Multnomah Falls.
This was a 30 second exposure at f/4 and ISO 100. I used the Lee Filter Big Stopper ND Filter (10 stops!) to get the exposure correct.
I started looking back at some of my older photos and found this one of Multnomah Falls. I took this back in 2011 on an early May morning with my friends Vincent Versace and Brian Matiash.
We had to get to the falls pretty early (around 6:30am – which I guess isn’t that early) to shoot the iconic bridge without any other tourists lingering. Usually, that leads to taking a lot of shots and then quite a bit of masking in Photoshop to remove them all. Instead, we opted to show up early before anyone else was there.
Wishing that there were more opportunities down here in Santa Barbara to photograph water, but given our stage 2 drought, I’m left looking back at photos like this.
27 second long exposure of Tenaya Lake in Yosemite National Park
Oh, how I love long exposure photography. This one was 27 seconds long and I used my trusty iOS app, Slower Shutter that I developed to help me figure out just how long of an exposure I needed. I still ended up tweaking the exposure a little in Lightroom, but the app cuts down the amount of trial and error significantly.
Near El Matador beach in Malibu, CA
I went back and looked at some of the other experimental photos I took in Malibu a few weeks ago and found this one.
Before processing it to black and white, I wasn’t that thrilled with it, but after working it in Lightroom and Photoshop a little bit, I’m finding that I like it more and more.
The dark black band above the rock is a wave coming in that hasn’t broken over yet. Contrasting this to the long exposure of the waves in around the rock, the incoming water looks like a wall.
Perhaps the best lesson for me on this trip was to learn how to shoot with the circumstances you’re given. The sky was completely overcast on this day and there wasn’t a trace of the typical blue sky that you normally get along this stretch of the coast. I remember thinking as I shot this series was that this otherwise bland sky would look great in black and white, assuming I could get the foreground elements to contrast the lighter sky.
The more I go back and look at this one, the more I like it. I hope you enjoy it as well.
El Matador Beach. Malibu, CA
Ventura Pier
I ran down to Ventura after work to photograph the Ventura Pier before sunset. The light was very nice this evening and I took the opportunity to continue practicing shooting long exposures using my Lee Filter Big Stopper 10-stop ND filter.
I thought this one looked best in black and white (processed with Google/Nik Software’s Silver Efex Pro 2) but I have another version that is color that I’ll post soon.