Don’t ask a 13-year old to stop eating Churro flavored ice cream in a waffle cone so you can take a picture. He’ll comply, but he won’t necessarily be thrilled.
Don’t ask a 13-year old to stop eating Churro flavored ice cream in a waffle cone so you can take a picture. He’ll comply, but he won’t necessarily be thrilled.
Devyn enjoying Golden State Vanilla ice cream with Unicorn sprinkles at McConnell’s on State Street.
Devyn with her charcoal covered hands @ Haskell’s Beach.
It has been hot here in Santa Barbara for the past couple of weeks. I know, I know. I’ve been rubbing it in how nice it is down here for months, but when it’s always 73, you get used to it. Anything hotter, like 85-90 and it suddenly feels like it’s the end of the world.
Well, it wasn’t obviously. But it was hot enough that it was a great excuse to go find a different beach. Typically, we head south about 20 miles to Padaro Beach, my personal favorite in the area. But this weekend, some friends encouraged us to drive north about 5 miles to Haskell’s Beach. It was so nice there, we went two days in a row over the Labor Day weekend.
If you get there early, it’s great. There is very limited parking which totally regulates how crowded the beach will get, so as long as you get there early, you’re in for a relaxing day with nobody crowding you out.
As you can see from the picture above, Miss Devyn (and one of her friends) found a big rock that had been in a camp fire. As such, it was coated in soot and the girls decided it would be fun to get it all over their hands. A quick dip in the ocean and it was all gone.
Nathan wasting no time in getting back out into the surf.
Nathan has really taken to boogie boarding. Once he goes in, you can’t get him out. Here he is above running back out for the next set of waves. Here are two more photos of Nathan on his boogie board.
All those swimming lessons are paying off. Nathan is using a double stroke to get on top of a wave. He’s a very strong swimmer these days.
Nathan is very happy in the water as you can see.
Haskell’s Beach in Goleta, CA
In the photo above, that’s Devyn in the right corner and Nathan standing right in the middle of the small wave. Such a nice beach. We’re totally getting spoiled.
One aspect of Boy Scouts is community service and every year on July 4th, Scouts all over America demonstrate this. Here in Santa Barbara as part of Troop 26, Nathan and several of his fellow scouts help set up and take down garbage and recycle bins up and down State Street for the annual 4th of July parade.
Nathan and other scouts from Troop 26 setting up for the Santa Barbara 4th of July parade.
It’s great seeing Nathan and his friends in their full Class A uniforms doing this community service. They looked very sharp, were well behaved and in general, represented Troop 26 (and their families) very well.
After the setup was done, some of the scouts headed over to actually walk down State Street with scouts from other troops and carry a very large American Flag. This was a really fun opportunity and they allowed parents and siblings of the scouts to participate as well. This was a huge deal to Devyn!
The boys took their places to carry the flag down State Street.
That is one big flag!
Not a whole lot of commentary coming up as I think the pictures speak for themselves. 🙂
Another group in front of us showing their spirit.
That’s our boy.
Devyn looks back while marching in the parade.
Troop 26 proudly leading the way for the Los Padres Council.
Along the way, if the scouts weren’t carry the flag, one of the Scout Masters graciously purchased USA stickers to hand out to the crowd.
Nathan handing out some USA stickers.
At one point, a young boy who was with his family watching the parade stood up and approached Nathan. He was so excited to see Nathan’s scout uniform.
This boy was very impressed with Nathan and his scout uniform.
And next, he asked if he could have his picture taken with Nathan. And being a good scout (and a good kid in general), Nathan gladly complied with the request. I hope he smiled for their camera – because he rarely smiles for mine!
And wanted his picture taken with Nathan. It was so awesome.