Black and white conversion using Nik Software Silver Efex Pro 2 © Mike Wong
I’ve always loved black and white images. I’ve always been a big fan of the black and white portrait photography of Greg Gorman and I’ve been successful here and there trying to reproduce his style and technique. However, this year, I’m going to work on developing my own black and white style and technique. I’m going to share some of the images I make along the way. That means, some of the conversions will be better than others, but that’s part of the journey.
My first one of the year is one I just completed of a photo I shot last month while spending a day at Disneyland. I did the main color correction and initial edits Aperture and then took it into Photoshop for a little retouching and then finished the black and white conversion using Nik Software’s Silver Efex Pro 2.