Looking back through my 2014 photo library and came across this one of Zabriskie Point in Death Valley National Park. This was one of my favorite shots of the weekend trip. I had seen photos of this landmark before, but didn’t realize how accessible it is. You literally drive up to this point and walk about 150 yards from the parking lot to this view. Sorry if that ruins it for you, but hey, if you’re looking to go to Death Valley, I figure I’m helping you find this location.
Making a Reservation
When Nathan and I went, we camped in the Furnace Creek campground. You can reserve a camping spot here. The Furnace Creek camping area is decent by most standards. Running water. Flushing toilets. This camp site is also the only one in the Death Valley National Park that takes advance reservations on the Internet or by phone and you can make reservations six months in advance. Fees are a very affordable $18 per night in the winter and $12 in the summer.
Closed for Repairs
Depending on when you’re reading this or planning to go, be advised that Zabriskie Point and surrounding area in Death Valley will be closed starting in December 2014 for major rehabilitation work to repair unstable support walls. When we were there 12 months ago, it was very obvious that some work needed to be done. It’s estimated that these repairs will be completed by the end of March 2015.