Sunset at Black Butte Ranch

For the past two years, this has been a common scene for us. Since moving to California two years ago, we’ve been resident tourists, seeing as much of the great state of California as possible.
That means we’ve spent many a night in a hotel, which means the kids (and Chris) bring their pillows along for the trip.
Going back to June 2012, I took this photo at the top of Multnomah Falls.
This was a 30 second exposure at f/4 and ISO 100. I used the Lee Filter Big Stopper ND Filter (10 stops!) to get the exposure correct.
Don’t ask a 13-year old to stop eating Churro flavored ice cream in a waffle cone so you can take a picture. He’ll comply, but he won’t necessarily be thrilled.
Devyn enjoying Golden State Vanilla ice cream with Unicorn sprinkles at McConnell’s on State Street.